Monday, August 25, 2008

I got tagged!

How exciting! Definitely a first for me! Thanks, Amy! She actually tagged me twice, I am only doing the one though because I do not have enough blogging friends to tag 6 people, nevermind 12 LOL! Everyone I know was already tagged by either Amy or Steph!

Okay, here we go! These are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog...
3. Alright, List 6 unspectacular quirks
4. Tag 6 bloggers by linking to them on your post. Then commenting to let them know "there it!"

now, onto my 6 things...

~I am a horrible housekeeper. I don't even pretend like I can keep up. I don't know why I am this way; my mom was/is a great housekeeper and was always on my ass to clean up as a teen!

~I always have to have something to do with my hands. Usually it is hair twirling. If not that, then picking something.

~sometimes I wish I did not have all the responsibility that I do. I had about a year in between school & motherhood and I don't think it was enough! Although, I would not go back and change a thing! Donovan and I had a LOT of fun that year! LOL!

~my living room smells like dog! (hopefully anyone reading this will understand though lol! and is this considered a quirk?)

~I am mostly happy/satisfied with the way I look. I think this is one reason why it is so hard for me to diet and exercise. I do know that I am creeping on 30 and need to get in better shape...most women gain 10 pounds every 10 years(I read or heard this somewhere years ago and I will never forget it).

~I love chocolate, but I do not like chocolate ice cream or chocolate milk. Blech. I do, however, love Yoo-hoo's! And I still get a Yoo-hoo & Grandma's cookies(choc. chip of course) at the gas station sometimes, just like my daddy used to get for me! There is no better snack combination!

Thanks again, Amy, for tagging me! That was fun! And harder than I thought! I only have one person to pass this on to though, and that's Desiree. I don't know how she found me but I always appreciate her comments! I enjoy her blog too - her son is pretty darn cute!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Savannah Funny

Last night Vannah had me cracking up! So I had to share the story before it was lost in my head forever. As most of you know, Vannah is a very prissy girl! She wears nothing but dresses when given the choice and has quite a few dress-up princess dresses that her & Carley love to play with. I store them on top of their closet, because if I didn't, that is all Vannah would wear!

So last night, after being "put to bed", I guess Vannah decided she NEEDED to wear one of those dresses. The next time I went to check on them, her and Carley had their princess dresses on! I had to know how in world she got them down, so I asked. She said "I tried and I tried and I KNOW I can do it!!" Just the way she said it and the way she emphasized "know" - it was soo funny! Like she read it out of a book! I said "well, honey, I see that you can do it but can you tell me how?" She responded "I got the chair and the pillows and bags[of clothes] and I climbed and I got it!" I seriously have no idea how she did not bust her ass. Everything was back in its place though, so at least she was orderly about it LOL! I let them wear the dresses for a while and then did the whole bedtime routine again. For real that time!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

dress giveaway!

There is a new giveaway being held at Grosgrain! Don't you think this green garden party dress would look fabulous on Savannah?!?!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another picture share

We've had a few family gatherings lately and I wanted to share them!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

What happened to my babies?

How did they manage to grow up so quickly? What happens to time once you become a mom? It's like it speeds up and goes (at least) twice as fast the moment you give birth. Well, thinking back, I guess its starts more around the time baby is 6-8 weeks old. Those first few weeks do seem to drag by. Especially if you have a fussy baby.

My daughters are now 7, 4, and soon-to-be 3. I can't believe I can no longer say I have a baby! I had a baby for years! They will all be in school this year. Will I really have 3 hours a day, 3 days a week ALL TO MYSELF?!? What in the world will I do? Oh, I know! Enjoy being me! That will be fun!

Now, with all the babies around me being born, the baby fever is definately setting in. You see, I want to be pregnant again and would love to have another baby around the house. It's the kid that baby grows into that I am not ready for! But for whatever reason, I feel like my family isn't complete. Hopefully some day we will have our shit together enough to start TTC #4.

In the meantime, I will have to make due with the three beautiful, funny, & active daughters I do have!

Friday, July 25, 2008

link to a giveway

I found this cool blog just from clicking is a giveaway blog! Apparantly all you have to do is put a link in your blog to this blog, and you get a chance to win whatever it is she is giving away. This time it is a cute reversible skirt, you should look through all the rest, this lady makes some nice clothing!! So I guess you will be seeing many more posts like this, because every time she gives away something I would love to see on one of my daughters, you are damn right I'm gonna try to win it!

here's the link! (no, i don't know how to make it pretty!)

check it out!

Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm not ignoring my blog, I swear!

I have been working on getting a vacation picture post up this whole week! I am having a lot of trouble with the formatting but it is coming along. So please bare(it is bare - not bear, right?) with me while I get it together! It will be worth your wait, I promise. Of course seeing any of my darling daughters' pictures is worth the wait! You all know that ;)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Our Vacation(in pics)

Finally, our vacation pictures! Phew! It took me like 2 weeks to do them and I still didn't get them done the way I wanted! A few are out of order, I am just getting used to the formatting here and got a litle confused! Well, hope you enjoy them! I wanted to type between all the pictures explaining things and people but unless you want to wait another couple weeks...

Friday, July 4, 2008

How do I get a counter?

I tried to sign up for a free counter site but I can't figure out where to put the code they give me! I know people have been looking, because of my 1 comment(thanks Steph, wish I knew how to link your blog to your name, but yeah, I still have lots to learn about the blogging world) and the fact that they tell me LOL. But the counter shows no hits. I spelled my sign in name wrong anyways, I put bkfyrer instead of bkfryer. So I need to start all over. Anyone have a good free counter site they can lead me to? and where to put the stupid code? TIA!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

surprise, surprise

Well, I thought I was gonna have blog after blog about potty training Carley! After those first 2 days, she hasn't had any accidents!! (not including poop - more to come on that in a bit.) I don't even have to ask her, she comes and tells me when she has to pee. No matter what she is doing, she will stop and take a potty break. I was very surprised at that, since Daisia and Savannah both had problems taking a time out from their play to remember to go pee. So my stubborn daughter is potty trained! I just had to wait for her to be ready. It's funny - the other girls started at a much earlier age but Carley had it down pat in 3 days!! Almost...

on to the poop...all 3 of my kids have done this so I wasn't too surprised with it...Carley WILL NOT poop on the potty. She goes in her panties. Every time. Once I caught her and she finished on the potty, but she wasn't really finished, and 5 minutes later I still had a mess to clean up. I must say, though, that after doing this 3 times its not so gross or time consuming LOL. I mean, yeah, its still gross but not like it was with Daisia. Both the other kids were finally pooping on the potty right at their 3rd birthdays so I'm really hoping Carley will too.

In any event, I am very proud of my little girl!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

this is now a potty training blog!

I am going to start blogging about PTing Carley. She has proven to be the most difficult in this and I want to be able to go back and really see the progress she's made. Today is day #2 so lets go back to yesterday...before yesterday Carley had only gone on the potty maybe twice(and that was this week). She always refused and I didn't want to push her -- if she said no I didn't force her to sit on it. There's no forcing that child to do anything anyways. So she finally started to at least sit on it and I thought, okay, that's it. We have got to get this over and done with before she turns 3! And it just so happened that we ran out of pull-ups right about this same time. Well she did fantastic yesterday!! By the end of the night she had gone on the potty 6 times and had 5 accidents. One of those accidents being poopy. Not too bad for the first day!

Today, she started with no accidents!! She must have peed on the potty about 4 times. At 3pm I started to get everyone ready to go to the bank. By the time we were out the door it was 3:30 and as soon as I started the car she had her first accident of the day. Which was completely understandable, as I had been super busy and forgot to ask her! She has been telling me most of the time but there are a couple times where I'll ask her and she'll say yes(mostly she says no when asked). So we changed and went to the bank. We were there a whole hour with no accidents! Then she went when we got home and now she is napping. What a good day! I am so proud of her!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Florida Bound!

We are taking the girls to Disney for Daisia's birthday and then to The Keys for D's cousins' graduations. We have a great resort down there and we are excited! Be back next week :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Holy Crap It's June

Like I say every year in June(and again in December) where has the time gone?? The months pass by so quickly once you have kids. It's kinda odd, since before the weeks seemed to drag on forever. For me anyways.

June is a super busy month. Well, okay, our summers are always cram-packed with vacation, birthday parties, holiday BBQs, and more birthday parties. Not only my girls are summer babies, pretty much everyone we know is or has a summer baby. I think there are 8 days in June that aren't taken by someone in mine or D's family.

Anyways, this week is especially busy for me. It's a new month which means invoices need to get out(I'm trying hard to get those done tonight - those and my dishes). Daisia's party is this weekend and I still have ALL the shopping to do. Wednesday we are getting new carpet and D is trying to paint the living room tomorrow night. It needs to be done but I don't know if I'm ready to deal with that too!! To get out of the house Wed we will be going to my BFF's(Stacie) apartment pool. We love it there, it's always empty and has a cool waterfall thing. Then we'll go shopping for the b-day party. I'm gonna see if Stacie will go with me. It's hard to take all 3 kids to a freakin party store by myself! The rest of the week will be me putting my house back together in time for the party! Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it!

So that's my excuse for this week ;) I'll try to post more, maybe some before and after shots. Maybe not any before shots though, they are bad. But that's why we are doing something about it! And, all writing utensils have been BANNED from our house. ha.

and a side note, I gotta run so I spell checked but did not grammar check. and i always grammar check

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

my girls

This is Daisia; my first baby, my helper, my blondie, and my best T-ball player. This kid amazes me. She's good at everything she does. Except for bedtime, she's not so good at that. By the time she was one I knew 3 definite things about her: she's extremely photogenic, she will NEVER sleep when I need her to, and she is very smart. And I mean very very smart.

This is my preemie Savannah. She is very special to a lot of people. A princess in every sense of the word. Including her mean streak. Oh, come on, we all know princesses can have their moments. You did know that, right? Her latest obsession(besides dresses, DUH): anything that sprays.

This is Carley in a nutshell. She is so funny with her little attitude. This was back in December, I've got to get one of her new pouty face. It's not so much of a pout anymore but more like a scowl. She'll cross her arms high on her chest, scrunch up her entire face and close one eye. So funny.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Starting Over!

Wow, it has been a really super long time since I've blogged! I am going to try and start up least a few random posts a week or something!

Let's start with what's been going on lately! Daisia played T-Ball this spring and is really good! Suprisingly so since I'm not such a sporty person myself. I like to watch sports but participate? Not so much. Also, she has been on the honor roll all this year(and last) and is reading at a 3rd grade level(she's in 1st). She gets out June 5th. Savannah's last day of school was last Monday. She made SO MUCH progress this year, I am so proud of her! She is now ready for REAL (4yo) preschool LOL! And there's Carley...well...Carley is a hot mess. I would literally have to follow her around with a baby wipe, a change of clothes, and a hair brush to keep her clean. She cracks us up all the time though and is starting to pretend play, which Savannah is just eating up. Their favorite game is mommy & baby. Too cute.

Well, that's basically it. I am kind of dreading this summer bc I think the girls will be really bored. I'll just have to plan lots of fun(and cheap) stuff for us to do. Plus it is already super hot here in GA and our a/c picks and chooses when it wants to work. We are waiting for a friend to get his heating & air license so he can get us some free-on(or whatever it is called) and see if that will work.

I do have a lot of preparing to do for the girls' birthdays this summer and we are also going on vacation in June. Maybe we'll stay busy afterall!