Well, I thought I was gonna have blog after blog about potty training Carley! After those first 2 days, she hasn't had any accidents!! (not including poop - more to come on that in a bit.) I don't even have to ask her, she comes and tells me when she has to pee. No matter what she is doing, she will stop and take a potty break. I was very surprised at that, since Daisia and Savannah both had problems taking a time out from their play to remember to go pee. So my stubborn daughter is potty trained! I just had to wait for her to be ready. It's funny - the other girls started at a much earlier age but Carley had it down pat in 3 days!! Almost...
on to the poop...all 3 of my kids have done this so I wasn't too surprised with it...Carley WILL NOT poop on the potty. She goes in her panties. Every time. Once I caught her and she finished on the potty, but she wasn't really finished, and 5 minutes later I still had a mess to clean up. I must say, though, that after doing this 3 times its not so gross or time consuming LOL. I mean, yeah, its still gross but not like it was with Daisia. Both the other kids were finally pooping on the potty right at their 3rd birthdays so I'm really hoping Carley will too.
In any event, I am very proud of my little girl!!!
4 years ago
What a big GILR!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!! Hey, shoot me an email when you get a chance!
Aww man you are so lucky. Way to go Carley! I am still working with Carter, but it is a no win situation. I have taken a break for a bit as it was causing way to much stress on us both. So hopefully one day he will say mommy I have to go on the potty, but I doubt it. You want to send her over here to show Carter how it's done.LOL
So how's it going now? We're all interested! Let us know... Guess who? Just the one who loves you more than anybody except God. Just like you love your kids more than anybody except God!
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