Monday, August 25, 2008

I got tagged!

How exciting! Definitely a first for me! Thanks, Amy! She actually tagged me twice, I am only doing the one though because I do not have enough blogging friends to tag 6 people, nevermind 12 LOL! Everyone I know was already tagged by either Amy or Steph!

Okay, here we go! These are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog...
3. Alright, List 6 unspectacular quirks
4. Tag 6 bloggers by linking to them on your post. Then commenting to let them know "there it!"

now, onto my 6 things...

~I am a horrible housekeeper. I don't even pretend like I can keep up. I don't know why I am this way; my mom was/is a great housekeeper and was always on my ass to clean up as a teen!

~I always have to have something to do with my hands. Usually it is hair twirling. If not that, then picking something.

~sometimes I wish I did not have all the responsibility that I do. I had about a year in between school & motherhood and I don't think it was enough! Although, I would not go back and change a thing! Donovan and I had a LOT of fun that year! LOL!

~my living room smells like dog! (hopefully anyone reading this will understand though lol! and is this considered a quirk?)

~I am mostly happy/satisfied with the way I look. I think this is one reason why it is so hard for me to diet and exercise. I do know that I am creeping on 30 and need to get in better shape...most women gain 10 pounds every 10 years(I read or heard this somewhere years ago and I will never forget it).

~I love chocolate, but I do not like chocolate ice cream or chocolate milk. Blech. I do, however, love Yoo-hoo's! And I still get a Yoo-hoo & Grandma's cookies(choc. chip of course) at the gas station sometimes, just like my daddy used to get for me! There is no better snack combination!

Thanks again, Amy, for tagging me! That was fun! And harder than I thought! I only have one person to pass this on to though, and that's Desiree. I don't know how she found me but I always appreciate her comments! I enjoy her blog too - her son is pretty darn cute!


Desiree Blake said...

Thank you for the tag! This is my first one so I have to sit down and figure it out! lol...I'm new at this whole blog thing :p

Stephanie said...

I SWEAR you are me, lol! I *hate* housekeeping with every fiber of my being. I twirl my hair constantly. I too am so close to my goal weight that I'm just not getting it lately and chocolate... whew, slap my ass and call me sally!

I also married and had Brad young, so I do want that freedom more with age.

You are perfect just the way you are and a wonderful friend.