Wednesday, May 28, 2008

my girls

This is Daisia; my first baby, my helper, my blondie, and my best T-ball player. This kid amazes me. She's good at everything she does. Except for bedtime, she's not so good at that. By the time she was one I knew 3 definite things about her: she's extremely photogenic, she will NEVER sleep when I need her to, and she is very smart. And I mean very very smart.

This is my preemie Savannah. She is very special to a lot of people. A princess in every sense of the word. Including her mean streak. Oh, come on, we all know princesses can have their moments. You did know that, right? Her latest obsession(besides dresses, DUH): anything that sprays.

This is Carley in a nutshell. She is so funny with her little attitude. This was back in December, I've got to get one of her new pouty face. It's not so much of a pout anymore but more like a scowl. She'll cross her arms high on her chest, scrunch up her entire face and close one eye. So funny.

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