Thursday, July 26, 2007

Slumber Party at my house!

We have a few cousins here and our 3 girls - Brianna, Cameron, Nakayla, Daisia, Savannah, and Carley. All 6 and under. Suprisingly everyone has been really good! It's so cute and I'm about to go take some pics:)

Not everyone is spending the night though, thank goodness LOL! If we HAD that much room, and I really wish we did, they would be welcome. One day we'll get that dream house!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

sneaky sneaky

I guess being sneaky goes hand-in-hand with being 6. Daisia likes to try to stay up as late as we do(school starts in a month-eek) and she likes to be sneaky about it. If we go back there to check she closes her eyes and pretends she's sleeping. And she's getting good - scary good. I have to trick her to see if she's faking it now. Sometimes I'll say something like "mmm this ice cream is good" and she'll "wake" right up. And sometimes that really pisses her off and she'll burst into tears. I try not to do that too often. (I'm totally kidding if you don't know me well-I've only done that once!)Tonight, all of a sudden we see Shadow jump up with her hair raised and starts growling and barking. Hmmm....wonder who that could be?? It's Miss D crawling slowly down the hallway. Ha! That's what she gets for trying to pull a fast one on us!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I'm an Uncle!

My nephew, Nick, who is 2, has started calling me "Uncle Belinda." Too funny! Hopefully it doesn't stick around for too long though LOL! I love that kid!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

My couch is comfy.

I know because I had to sleep on it last night. As soon as we put the girls to bed Carley starts fussing at the gate. We ignore it since she does this every night and eventually will just stop and go back to bed. Not 5 minutes later we hear Daisia screaming "Carley threw up, Carley threw up!!" I run back there to find throw up all over Carley, the gate, and the floor. So I rush to put her in the bath and we get everything cleaned up(that gate was a total PIA to clean). We put her back down in the bed and she was falling asleep quickly. Phew, that was fun. Now D and I get settled to watch some TV before bed. Carley throws up again, this time in the bed. So we start all over again - clean, comfort, sleep. This time we put her on the little kids couch with a sheet over it in case she throws up again. By this time it's, like, midnight. Carley seems to be asleep but every 10 minutes or so she is up wanting to be held. So we just go to bed and she goes with us. As soon as I start to fall asleep(it always works out this way) she starts to gag. I run to the bathroom and try to face her to the sink while she is struggling to hug me while she pukes. Not an easy feat but I managed not to get any throw up on me! Soooo, THIS time, I set me and her up on the couch, her with a towel under her and a sippy of half Pedialyte/half water. Ahhh, much better. We sleep. Yay. No more puke to clean. And this morning she is totally fine. Funny kid. I don't know what the deal was! I'm just glad she's herself today and not moping around the house begging to watch Dora every second.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I should explain my blog title.

When I am out and about with my 3 girls I get a good variety of comments from a variety of people. Once while waiting for a table at a crowded restaurant the man next to me told me he was a clown and tried to make nice with my restless kids. They were scared to death of him even though he looked about as "normal" as anyone. Anyways, the comment I get the most(and this is by a landslide) is "wow, you sure have your hands full!" Nothing about it is offensive but when you hear it OVER and OVER it starts to get really aggravating. So many comments race through my mind but I just smile(as nice a smile as I can muster) and say "yeah"...I mean, what response to they expect from that?? "oh, yes, I sure do, would you like to help me?" or "oh, no, it's easy as pie!" Come on people, some comments are best left to yourself!

My first post as a blogger!

Okay, here we are. I've been telling myself to do this for a while now. I want to make my blog about my life as a wife and mother and the day to day challenges I go through. Sometimes, honestly, it is a struggle just to get through the day. Other days the girls are angels, the bills are paid, and the house is clean!

This first post will have to be short, as many of them might be. 2 of the 3 little pigs are still running around the house. Hey, 1 down at 9pm is good for us! I know, I know...we're working on it! But I think the girls have inherited our "nightowlness."