Saturday, July 26, 2008

What happened to my babies?

How did they manage to grow up so quickly? What happens to time once you become a mom? It's like it speeds up and goes (at least) twice as fast the moment you give birth. Well, thinking back, I guess its starts more around the time baby is 6-8 weeks old. Those first few weeks do seem to drag by. Especially if you have a fussy baby.

My daughters are now 7, 4, and soon-to-be 3. I can't believe I can no longer say I have a baby! I had a baby for years! They will all be in school this year. Will I really have 3 hours a day, 3 days a week ALL TO MYSELF?!? What in the world will I do? Oh, I know! Enjoy being me! That will be fun!

Now, with all the babies around me being born, the baby fever is definately setting in. You see, I want to be pregnant again and would love to have another baby around the house. It's the kid that baby grows into that I am not ready for! But for whatever reason, I feel like my family isn't complete. Hopefully some day we will have our shit together enough to start TTC #4.

In the meantime, I will have to make due with the three beautiful, funny, & active daughters I do have!

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