Thursday, July 19, 2007

sneaky sneaky

I guess being sneaky goes hand-in-hand with being 6. Daisia likes to try to stay up as late as we do(school starts in a month-eek) and she likes to be sneaky about it. If we go back there to check she closes her eyes and pretends she's sleeping. And she's getting good - scary good. I have to trick her to see if she's faking it now. Sometimes I'll say something like "mmm this ice cream is good" and she'll "wake" right up. And sometimes that really pisses her off and she'll burst into tears. I try not to do that too often. (I'm totally kidding if you don't know me well-I've only done that once!)Tonight, all of a sudden we see Shadow jump up with her hair raised and starts growling and barking. Hmmm....wonder who that could be?? It's Miss D crawling slowly down the hallway. Ha! That's what she gets for trying to pull a fast one on us!

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