Sunday, July 15, 2007

My first post as a blogger!

Okay, here we are. I've been telling myself to do this for a while now. I want to make my blog about my life as a wife and mother and the day to day challenges I go through. Sometimes, honestly, it is a struggle just to get through the day. Other days the girls are angels, the bills are paid, and the house is clean!

This first post will have to be short, as many of them might be. 2 of the 3 little pigs are still running around the house. Hey, 1 down at 9pm is good for us! I know, I know...we're working on it! But I think the girls have inherited our "nightowlness."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you can get 1 of 3 to bed before 9pm you are doing better than me. :P